Partition functions =================== Example: :: partfunc Ntemps 500 tempmax 5000.0 Moment 0 end output ScH_adj_16665 States ScH_adj_16665.states Specific heat ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: partfunc Ntemps 500 tempmax 5000.0 Cp end Keywords: ^^^^^^^^^ * `Ntemp` or `Npoints` is the number of temperature steps * `tempmax`, `Maxtemp` or `Max-Temperature` is the maximal temperature in K (minimal T = 0K ) * `Moment` (0,1,2, or 3) is the moment to compute, 0 is the partition function (default and can be omitted), 1 is the 1st moment, 2 is the 2nd moment and 3 is CP. * `CP` is equivalent to Moment 3