Strong-weak partitioning ======================== The transition lines (.trans) can be partitioned into strong/weak using an absorption intensity threshold for a reference temperature. This option is invoked by a combination of two keywords: `TRANS` as a type of `profile` (stand-along keyword) and `cutoff exp` (also stand-along keyword). The reference temperature is defined using `Temperature`. The dynamic partitioning cutoff is given by :math:`I_{\rm cut} = I_0 \exp(-\nu/\alpha)` The format of the `cutoff` line is as follows :: cutoff exp 1e-25 alpha 2000 where :math:`I_0=1e-25` and :math:`\alpha=2000`. For example: :: Temperature 3000.0 Range 0.0 10000.0 absorption cutoff Exp 1e-25 alpha 2000 trans output part States H2O.states Transitions H2O.trans This input will creates two files H2O.trans.part.w and H2O.trans.part.s, with the weak and strong lines in the standard .trans format. In case of multiple .trans files in `Transitions` section, each of .trans generates two .w and .s files.